Source code for aphin.identification.conv_aphin

import numpy as np
import logging
from .aphin import APHIN
import tensorflow as tf


[docs] class ConvAPHIN(APHIN): """ Convolutional autoencoder-based port-Hamiltonian Identification Network (Conv-ApHIN). Model to discover low-dimensional dynamics of a high-dimensional system using a convolutional autoencoder and pHIN """ def __init__( self, reduced_order, n_filters, kernel_size, strides, system_layer=None, **kwargs, ): """ Initialize the ConvAPHIN model. A convolution has the output shape Encoder: 4+D tensor with shape: `batch_shape + (filters, new_rows, new_cols) Decoder: new_rows = ((rows - 1) * strides[0] + kernel_size[0] - 2 * padding[0] + output_padding[0]) new_cols = ((cols - 1) * strides[1] + kernel_size[1] - 2 * padding[1] + output_padding[1]) Parameters ---------- reduced_order : int The reduced order of the system. n_filters : list of int Number of filters for each convolutional layer. kernel_size : list of int Size of the kernel for each convolutional layer. strides : list of int Strides for each convolutional layer. system_layer : tf.keras.layers.Layer, optional The system layer, by default None. **kwargs : dict Additional arguments for the APHIN base class. """ if "use_pca" in kwargs.keys(): assert ( kwargs["use_pca"] != True ), "PCA cannot be used with convolutinoal autoencoder" if "pca_scaling" in kwargs.keys(): logging.warn("pca_scaling has no effect for ConvAPHIN. No scaling applied.") if not hasattr(self, "config"): self._init_to_config(locals()) self.n_filters = n_filters self.kernel_size = kernel_size self.strides = strides super(ConvAPHIN, self).__init__(reduced_order, **kwargs)
[docs] def build_autoencoder(self, x): """ Build the encoder and decoder of the autoencoder. Parameters ---------- x : array-like Input data. Returns ------- tuple Tuple containing the input tensor, dummy PCA tensor, encoded tensor, decoded tensor, and reconstructed tensor. """ x_input = tf.keras.Input(shape=(x.shape[1], x.shape[2])) z_pca_dummy = 1 * x_input # second part of the encoder and first part of the decoder is a nonlinear part z, z_dec = self.build_nonlinear_autoencoder(z_pca_dummy) x_rec = 1 * z_dec return x_input, z_pca_dummy, z, z_dec, x_rec
[docs] def build_nonlinear_autoencoder(self, x_input): """ Build the convolutional autoencoder with specified layers and filter sizes. Parameters ---------- x_input : tf.Tensor Input tensor to the encoder. Returns ------- tuple Tuple containing the encoded tensor and the decoded tensor. """ # in case the data only consists of one channel and not multiple ones create axis for this if len(x_input.shape) == 3: x_input = tf.keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x: tf.expand_dims(x, axis=-1))( x_input ) input_shape = x_input.shape z_ = x_input for n_filters, kernel_size, strides in zip( self.n_filters, self.kernel_size, self.strides ): z_ = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D( filters=n_filters, kernel_size=kernel_size, strides=strides, padding="same", activation=self.activation, activity_regularizer=self.regularizer, )(z_) # pooling layer # z_ = tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2), strides=None, padding='valid', data_format=None)(z_) # print(z_.shape) z_shape = z_.shape z_ = tf.keras.layers.Flatten()(z_) z_shape2 = z_.shape z = tf.keras.layers.Dense( self.reduced_order, activation="linear", # activity_regularizer=self.regularizer )(z_) # decoder part z_dec = tf.keras.layers.Dense( z_shape2[1], activation=self.activation, activity_regularizer=self.regularizer, )(z) z_dec = tf.keras.layers.Reshape(z_shape[1:])(z_dec) # deconvolutional part for n_filters, kernel_size, strides in zip( self.n_filters[-2::-1], self.kernel_size[-2::-1], self.strides[-2::-1] ): # unpooling layer # z_dec = tf.keras.layers.UpSampling2D(size=(2, 2), data_format=None, interpolation='nearest')(z_dec) z_dec = tf.keras.layers.Conv2DTranspose( filters=n_filters, kernel_size=kernel_size, strides=strides, padding="same", activation=self.activation, activity_regularizer=self.regularizer, )(z_dec) z_dec = tf.keras.layers.Conv2DTranspose( filters=input_shape[-1], kernel_size=self.kernel_size[0], strides=self.strides[0], padding="same", activation="linear", # activity_regularizer=self.regularizer )(z_dec) # reshape to original shape # z_dec = tf.keras.layers.Flatten()(z_dec) return z, z_dec
[docs] def get_loss_second_part(self, xr, dz_dxr, dxr_dt, z, u, mu): """ Calculate the second part of the loss function. In contrast to the classic APHIN, our data (and its time derivative) are multidimensional. Consequently, we need to vectorize the data before we can calculate the loss. Parameters ---------- xr : array-like Reconstructed data. dz_dxr : array-like Derivative of the latent variables with respect to the reconstructed data. dxr_dt : array-like Time derivative of the reconstructed data. z : array-like Latent variables. u : array-like Control inputs. mu : array-like Parameters. Returns ------- tf.Tensor The second part of the loss. """ # reshape data from (n_samples, n_pixels, n_pixels, n_channels) to (n_samples, n_pixels, n_pixels, n_channels) dz_dxr, dxr_dt = self.reshape_conv_data(dz_dxr, dxr_dt) return super(ConvAPHIN, self).get_loss_second_part(xr, dz_dxr, dxr_dt, z, u, mu)
[docs] def reshape_conv_data(self, dz_dxr, dxr_dt): """ In contrast to the classic APHIN, our data (and its time derivative) are multidimensional. Consequently, we need to vectorize the data before we can calculate the loss. Parameters ---------- dz_dxr : array-like Derivative of the latent variables with respect to the reconstructed data. dxr_dt : array-like Time derivative of the reconstructed data. Returns ------- tuple Tuple containing the reshaped derivatives and time derivatives. """ dz_dxr = tf.reshape( dz_dxr, (-1, dz_dxr.shape[1], dz_dxr.shape[2] * dz_dxr.shape[3]) ) dxr_dt = tf.reshape( dxr_dt, (-1, dxr_dt.shape[1] * dxr_dt.shape[2], dxr_dt.shape[3]) ) return dz_dxr, dxr_dt
[docs] def reshape_dxr_dz(self, dxr_dz): """ Reshape the derivative of the reconstructed data with respect to the latent variables. Parameters ---------- dxr_dz : array-like Derivative of the reconstructed data with respect to the latent variables. Returns ------- tf.Tensor Reshaped derivative tensor. """ return tf.reshape( dxr_dz, (-1, dxr_dz.shape[1] * dxr_dz.shape[2], dxr_dz.shape[4]) )