Source code for aphin.identification.ph_basemodel

from abc import ABC
import os
import logging
import inspect
import datetime
import pickle
import copy
import time
import tensorflow as tf


[docs] class PHBasemodel(tf.keras.Model, ABC): """ Base model for port-Hamiltonian identification networks. """ def _init_to_config(self, init_locals): """ Save the parameters with which the model was initialized, except for the data itself. Parameters ---------- init_locals : dict Local variables from the __init__ function. """ sig = inspect.signature(self.__init__) orig_keys = [ for param in sig.parameters.values()] # we don't want to save the data itself, so we remove x, u and mu banned_keys = ["x", "mu", "u", "kwargs"] keys = [name for name in orig_keys if name not in banned_keys] values = [init_locals[name] for name in keys] for i, key in enumerate(["x", "u", "mu"]): if key not in orig_keys: keys.insert(i, key) values.insert(i, None) # handle kwargs if "kwargs" in orig_keys: kwarg_keys = [ key for key in init_locals["kwargs"].keys() if key not in banned_keys ] kwarg_values = [init_locals["kwargs"][key] for key in kwarg_keys] # add Nones for the data for i, key in enumerate(["x", "u", "mu"]): if key not in init_locals["kwargs"].keys(): kwarg_keys.insert(i, key) kwarg_values.insert(i, None) kwarg_dict = dict(zip(kwarg_keys, kwarg_values)) values.append(kwarg_dict) keys.append("kwargs") init_dict = dict(zip(keys, values)) # deep copy kwargs so we can manipulate them without changing the original if "kwargs" in init_dict.keys(): init_dict["kwargs"] = copy.deepcopy(init_dict["kwargs"]) # we don't want to save the data itself init_dict["x"] = None init_dict["mu"] = None if "x" in init_dict["kwargs"].keys(): init_dict["kwargs"]["x"] = None if "mu" in init_dict["kwargs"].keys(): init_dict["kwargs"]["mu"] = None self.config = init_dict
[docs] def save(self, path: str = None): """ Save the model weights and configuration to a given path. Parameters ---------- path : str, optional Path to the folder where the model should be saved, by default None. Returns ------- None """ if path is None: path = ( f"results/saved_models/{self.__class__.__name__}/" f'{"%Y_%m_%d-%H:%M:%S")}/' ) weights_path = os.path.join(path, "weights/") model_path = os.path.join(path, f"model_config.pkl") self.save_weights(weights_path) # self.config['class_name'] = self.__class__.__name__ with open(model_path, "wb") as outp: # Overwrites any existing file. pickle.dump(self.config, outp)
[docs] @staticmethod def load( ph_network, x=None, u=None, mu=None, path: str = None, kwargs_overwrite: dict = None, ): """ Load the model from the given path. Parameters ---------- ph_network : callable The port-Hamiltonian network to be loaded. x : array-like, optional Data needed to initialize the model, by default None. u : array-like, optional Control inputs, by default None. mu : array-like, optional Parameters used to create the model the first time, by default None. path : str, optional Path to the model, by default None. kwargs_overwrite : dict, optional Additional kwargs to overwrite the config, by default None. Returns ------- PHBasemodel Loaded model. """ weights_path = os.path.join(path, "weights/") model_path = os.path.join(path, f"model_config.pkl") with open(model_path, "rb") as file: # Overwrites any existing file. init_dict = pickle.load(file) init_dict["x"] = x init_dict["u"] = u init_dict["mu"] = mu kwargs = init_dict.pop("kwargs") # overwrite the kwargs with values from kwargs_overwrite if kwargs_overwrite is None: kwargs_overwrite = {} kwargs.update(kwargs_overwrite) if "x" in kwargs: kwargs.pop("x") if "u" in kwargs: kwargs.pop("u") if "mu" in kwargs: kwargs.pop("mu") loaded_model = ph_network(**init_dict, **kwargs) loaded_model.load_weights(weights_path) return loaded_model
[docs] def fit(self, x, y=None, validation_data=None, **kwargs): """ Wrapper for the fit function of the Keras model to flatten the data if necessary. Parameters ---------- x : array-like Training data. y : array-like, optional Target data, by default None. validation_data : tuple or array-like, optional Data for validation, by default None. **kwargs : dict Additional arguments for the fit function. Returns ------- History A `History` object. Its `History.history` attribute is a record of training loss values and metrics values at successive epochs, as well as validation loss values and validation metrics values (if applicable). """ if validation_data is not None: if isinstance(validation_data, tuple): validation_x, validation_y = validation_data else: validation_x = validation_data validation_y = None for i, x_ in enumerate(validation_x): try: validation_x[i] = x_ except tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError: validation_x[i] = x_ validation_data = (validation_x, validation_y) import time start = time.time() history = super(PHBasemodel, self).fit(x, y, validation_data=validation_data, **kwargs) end = time.time() time = end - start time_per_epoch = time / len(history.history["loss"])"Training took {time} s with an average of {time_per_epoch} s per epoch.") # save the time per epoch in the history history.history["time_per_epoch"] = time_per_epoch history.history["time"] = time return history
[docs] def get_trainable_weights(self): """ Get the trainable weights of the model. Returns ------- list List of trainable weights. """ return self.system_network.trainable_weights
[docs] @tf.function def build_loss(self, inputs): """ Split input into state, its derivative, and the parameters, perform the forward pass, calculate the loss, and update the weights. Parameters ---------- inputs : list of array-like Input data. Returns ------- list List of loss values. """ # split inputs into state, its derivative and the parameters if available: # split inputs into state, its derivative and the parameters if available x, dx_dt, u, mu = self.split_inputs(inputs) # forward pass with tf.GradientTape() as tape: # only perform reconstruction if no identification loss is used losses = self.get_loss(x, dx_dt, u, mu) # split trainable variables for autoencoder and dynamics so that you can use seperate optimizers trainable_weights = self.get_trainable_weights() grads = tape.gradient(losses[-1], trainable_weights) self.optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, trainable_weights)) return losses
[docs] def split_inputs(self, inputs): """ Split inputs into state, its derivative, and the parameters. Parameters ---------- inputs : list of array-like Input data. Returns ------- tuple Tuple containing state, its derivative, control inputs, and parameters. """ # split inputs into state, its derivative and the parameters if available: # initialize variables as empty tensors x, dx_dt, u, mu = [None] * 4 # first order system with parameter / inputs if len(inputs[0]) == 4: [x, dx_dt, u, mu] = inputs[0] # first order system without parameter / inputs elif len(inputs[0]) == 3: [x, dx_dt, u] = inputs[0] mu = tf.zeros((0, 0)) # first order system without parameter / inputs elif len(inputs[0]) == 2: [x, dx_dt] = inputs[0] u = tf.zeros((0, 0)) mu = tf.zeros((0, 0)) # ensure that the data is of type float32 x = tf.cast(x, self.dtype) dx_dt = tf.cast(dx_dt, self.dtype) if u is not None: u = tf.cast(u, self.dtype) if mu is not None: mu = tf.cast(mu, self.dtype) return x, dx_dt, u, mu
[docs] def get_system_weights(self): """ Get the weights of the system identification part of the model. Returns ------- list List of system weights. """ return self.system_network.trainable_weights