Source code for aphin.identification.projection_aphin

import numpy as np
import logging
from .aphin import APHIN
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp


[docs] class ProjectionAPHIN(APHIN): """ Projection-Conserving autoencoder-based port-Hamiltonian Identification Network (ApHIN) This is an implementation of an autoencoder that really is a projection, i.e. AE(x) = AE(AE(x)) with AE=Enc(Dec(x)) Encoder: z = h o ... o h o psi^t @ x with nonlinear transformation function h( ) Decoder: (phi + (I - phi(psi^T @ phi)^-1 @ psi^T) H) o h^-1 o ... o h^-1 o (psi^t @ phi)^-1 @ z with inverse nonlinear transformation function h( ) and nonlinear Decoder H( ) """ def __init__(self, n_transf=0, psi=None, phi=None, **kwargs): """ Initialize the Projection-Conserving Port Hamiltonian Autoencoder. Parameters ---------- n_transf : int, optional Number of nonlinear invertible transformations applied on the latent variables, by default 0. psi : array-like, optional Encoder matrix, by default None. phi : array-like, optional Decoder matrix, by default None. kwargs : dict Additional arguments for APHIN. """ if not hasattr(self, "config"): self._init_to_config(locals()) self.n_transf = n_transf if psi is not None: self.psi = tf.Variable(self.psi, name="psi", trainable=False) else: self.psi = None if phi is not None: self.phi = tf.Variable(phi, name="phi", trainable=False) else: self.phi = None super(ProjectionAphin, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def init_weights(self): """ Initialize weights (including projection matrices) for the autoencoder. Returns ------- None """ # Initialize phi and psi if they are not predetermined if self.phi is None: self.phi = self.add_weight( name="phi", shape=(self.pca_order, self.reduced_order), dtype=self.dtype_, initializer="orthogonal", trainable=True, ) if self.psi is None: self.psi = self.add_weight( name="psi", shape=(self.pca_order, self.reduced_order), dtype=self.dtype_, initializer="orthogonal", trainable=True, ) # weights of nonlinear transformations in latent space self.nonlin_transf = [] for i in range(self.n_transf): # # initialize weights and biases w_i = self.add_weight( name=f"W_{i}", shape=(self.reduced_order, self.reduced_order), dtype=self.dtype_, initializer="glorot_normal", trainable=True, ) b_i = self.add_weight( name=f"b_{i}", shape=(self.reduced_order,), dtype=self.dtype_, initializer="glorot_normal", trainable=True, ) self.nonlin_transf.append([w_i, b_i])
[docs] def build_encoder(self, z_pca): """ Build the encoder part of the autoencoder. z = h o ... o h o psi^t @ x with nonlinear transformation function h( ) Parameters ---------- z_pca : array-like Input to the autoencoder. Returns ------- z : array-like Encoded latent variable. """ z = z_pca # Linear projection z = psi^T @ x self.encoder_projection = EncoderProjection(self.phi, self.psi) z = self.encoder_projection(z) # Nonlinear transformations h o ... o h(z) with h(z) = act(W @ z + b) for i in range(self.n_transf): z = EncoderNonlinearTransformation( self.nonlin_transf[i][0], self.nonlin_transf[i][1], activation_custom, dtype=self.dtype_, )(z) return z
[docs] def build_decoder(self, z): """ Build the decoder part of the autoencoder. Decoder: (phi + (I - phi(psi^T @ phi)^-1 @ psi^T) H) o h^-1 o ... o h^-1 o (psi^t @ phi)^-1 @ z with invertible nonlinear transformation function h( ) and nonlinear Decoder H( ) Parameters ---------- z : array-like Latent variable. Returns ------- z_dec : array-like Decoded variable. """ z_ = z # Nonlinear transformations h^-1 o ... o h^-1(z) with h^-1(z) = (act^-1(z_1) - b) @ W^-1 for i in range(self.n_transf - 1, -1, -1): z_ = DecoderNonlinearTransformation( self.nonlin_transf[i][0], self.nonlin_transf[i][1], activation_custom_inv, dtype=self.dtype_, )(z_) # Linear latent transformation z = (psi^T @ phi)^-1 @ z z_ = DecoderLatentTransformation(self.phi, self.psi)(z_) # linear backprojection z_lin = phi @ z_ z_1 = DecoderLinearProjection(self.phi, self.psi)(z_) # decoding to original dimension with nonlinear decoder x_nl = H(z) for n_neurons in reversed(self.layer_sizes): z_ = tf.keras.layers.Dense(n_neurons, activation=self.activation)(z_) z_ = tf.keras.layers.Dense(self.pca_order, activation="linear")(z_) # combine linear and nonlinear decoding parts z_2 = DecoderNonlinearProjection(self.phi, self.psi, dtype=self.dtype_)(z_) z_dec = tf.add(z_1, z_2) return z_dec
[docs] def build_nonlinear_autoencoder(self, z_pca): """ Build a projection-conserving autoencoder. Parameters ---------- z_pca : array-like Input to the autoencoder. Returns ------- tuple Tuple containing the encoded and decoded variables. """ # Encoder z = self.build_encoder(z_pca) # Decoder z_dec = self.build_decoder(z) return z, z_dec
[docs] class EncoderProjection(tf.keras.layers.Layer): """ Linear projection/encoding following enc: x to z with z = psi^T @ x """ def __init__(self, phi, psi): """ Initialize the EncoderProjection layer. Parameters ---------- phi : array-like Projection matrix 1. psi : array-like Projection matrix 2. """ super(EncoderProjection, self).__init__() self.phi = phi self.psi = psi
[docs] def build(self, input_shape): """ Build the layer (conformity as weights are shared between many layers and are passed in the init function). Parameters ---------- input_shape : tuple Shape of the input. Returns ------- None """ pass
[docs] def call(self, inputs): """ Perform the linear projection x to z with z = psi^T @ x Parameters ---------- inputs : array-like Input data. Returns ------- output : array-like Projected data. """ output = inputs @ self.psi return output
[docs] class DecoderLatentTransformation(tf.keras.layers.Layer): """ Linear Transformation of the form: z to z_ with z_ = (psi^T @ phi)^-1 @ z """ def __init__(self, phi, psi): """ Initialize the DecoderLatentTransformation layer. Parameters ---------- phi : array-like Projection matrix 1 of shape (n, r) psi : array-like Projection matrix 2 of shape (n, r) """ super(DecoderLatentTransformation, self).__init__() self.phi = phi self.psi = psi
[docs] def build(self, input_shape): """ Build the layer (conformity as weights are shared between many layers and are passed in the init function). Parameters ---------- input_shape : tuple Shape of the input. Returns ------- None """ pass
[docs] def call(self, inputs): """ Perform the linear transformation z to z_ with z_ = (psi^T @ phi)^-1 @ z = w @ z. Parameters ---------- inputs : array-like Input data. Returns ------- output : array-like Transformed data. """ # rewrite equation using tf.linalg.solve output = tf.transpose( tf.linalg.solve(tf.transpose(self.psi) @ self.phi, tf.transpose(inputs)) ) return output
[docs] class DecoderLinearProjection(tf.keras.layers.Layer): """ Linear backprojection/decoding following dec_lin: z_ to x_lin with x_lin = phi @ z_ """ def __init__(self, phi, psi): """ Initialize the DecoderLinearProjection layer. Parameters ---------- phi : array-like Projection matrix 1 of shape (n, r). psi : array-like Projection matrix 2 of shape (n, r). """ super(DecoderLinearProjection, self).__init__() self.phi = phi self.psi = psi
[docs] def build(self, input_shape): """ Build the layer (conformity as weights are shared between many layers and are passed in the init function). Parameters ---------- input_shape : tuple Shape of the input. Returns ------- None """ pass
[docs] def call(self, inputs): """ Perform the linear backprojection z_ to x_lin with x_lin = phi @ z_ Parameters ---------- inputs : array-like Input data. Returns ------- output : array-like Backprojected data. """ output = inputs @ tf.transpose(self.phi) return output
[docs] class DecoderNonlinearProjection(tf.keras.layers.Layer): """ Nonlinear/decoding following dec_nl: z_ to x_nl with x_nl = (I - phi @ (psi^T @ phi)^-1 @ psi^T) @ H(z_) """ def __init__(self, phi, psi, dtype=tf.float32): """ Initialize the DecoderNonlinearProjection layer. Parameters ---------- phi : array-like Projection matrix 1 of shape (n, r). psi : array-like Projection matrix 2 of shape (n, r). dtype : tf.DType, optional Data type, by default tf.float32. """ super(DecoderNonlinearProjection, self).__init__() self.dtype_ = dtype self.phi = phi self.psi = psi
[docs] def build(self, input_shape): """ Build the layer (conformity as weights are shared between many layers and are passed in the init function). Parameters ---------- input_shape : tuple Shape of the input. Returns ------- None """ pass
[docs] def call(self, inputs): """ Perform the nonlinear projection z_ to x_nl with x_nl = (I - phi @ (psi^T @ phi)^-1 @ psi^T) @ H(z_). Parameters ---------- inputs : array-like Input data. Returns ------- output : array-like Nonlinear projected data. """ # identity matrix I = tf.eye(tf.shape(self.phi)[0], dtype=self.dtype_) # reformulate using tf.linalg.solve W = I - self.phi @ ( tf.linalg.solve(tf.transpose(self.psi) @ self.phi, tf.transpose(self.psi)) ) output = inputs @ tf.transpose(W) return output
[docs] class EncoderNonlinearTransformation(tf.keras.layers.Layer): """ Nonlinear transformation in the latent space on the encoder side following: z to z_ with z_ = act(W @ z + b) """ def __init__(self, W, b, activation, dtype=tf.float32): """ Initialize the EncoderNonlinearTransformation layer. Parameters ---------- W : array-like Weighting matrix of shape (r, r). b : array-like Bias of shape (r, 1). activation : callable Activation function. dtype : tf.DType, optional Data type, by default tf.float32. """ super(EncoderNonlinearTransformation, self).__init__() self.dtype_ = dtype self.W = W self.b = b self.activation = activation
[docs] def build(self, input_shape): """ Build the layer (conformity as weights are shared between many layers and are passed in the init function). Parameters ---------- input_shape : tuple Shape of the input. Returns ------- None """ pass
[docs] def call(self, inputs): """ Perform the nonlinear transformation z to z_ with z_ = act(W @ z + b). Parameters ---------- inputs : array-like Input data. Returns ------- output : array-like Transformed data. """ output = self.activation( inputs @ tf.transpose(self.W) + self.b, dtype=self.dtype_ ) return output
[docs] class DecoderNonlinearTransformation(tf.keras.layers.Layer): """ Nonlinear transformation in the latent space on the decoder side (needs to be inverse of the latent correspondent): z_1 to z_2 with z_2 = (act^-1(z_1) - b) @ W^-1 """ def __init__(self, W, b, activation, dtype=tf.float32): """ Initialize the DecoderNonlinearTransformation layer. Parameters ---------- W : array-like Weighting matrix (r, r). b : array-like Bias (r, 1). activation : callable Inverse activation function. dtype : tf.DType, optional Data type, by default tf.float32. """ super(DecoderNonlinearTransformation, self).__init__() self.dtype_ = dtype self.W = W self.b = b self.activation = activation
[docs] def build(self, input_shape): """ Build the layer (conformity as weights are shared between many layers and are passed in the init function). Parameters ---------- input_shape : tuple Shape of the input. Returns ------- None """ pass
[docs] def call(self, inputs): """ Perform the inverse nonlinear transformation z_1 to z_2 with z_2 = (act^-1(z_1) - b) @ W^-1. Parameters ---------- inputs : array-like Input data. Returns ------- output : array-like Transformed data. """ # rewrite equation using tf.linalg.solve output = tf.transpose( tf.linalg.solve( self.W, tf.transpose(self.activation(inputs, dtype=self.dtype_) - self.b), ) ) return output
[docs] def cosec(x): """ Calculate the cosecant of x: 1/sin(x). Parameters ---------- x : array-like Input data. Returns ------- array-like Cosecant of the input. """ return tf.math.reciprocal(tf.sin(x))
[docs] def sec(x): """ Calculate the secant of x: 1/cos(x). Parameters ---------- x : array-like Input data. Returns ------- array-like Secant of the input. """ return tf.math.reciprocal(tf.cos(x))
[docs] def activation_custom(x, alpha=np.pi / 8, dtype=tf.float32): """ Invertible nonlinear activation function. see Otto, S. E. (2022). Advances in Data-Driven Modeling and Sensing for High-Dimensional Nonlinear Systems Doctoral dissertation, Princeton University. Eq. 3.71 Parameters ---------- x : array-like Input data. alpha : float, optional Parameter for the activation function, by default np.pi / 8. dtype : tf.DType, optional Data type, by default tf.float32. Returns ------- array-like Transformed data. """ alpha = tf.constant(alpha, dtype=dtype) a = tf.square(cosec(alpha)) - tf.square(sec(alpha)) b = tf.square(cosec(alpha)) + tf.square(sec(alpha)) return (b * x + tf.sqrt((b**2 - a**2) * tf.square(x) + 2 * a)) / a
[docs] def activation_custom_inv(x, alpha=np.pi / 8, dtype=tf.float32): """ Inverse of the nonlinear invertible activation function. see Otto, S. E. (2022). Advances in Data-Driven Modeling and Sensing for High-Dimensional Nonlinear Systems Doctoral dissertation, Princeton University. Eq. 3.71 Parameters ---------- x : array-like Input data. alpha : float, optional Parameter for the activation function, by default np.pi / 8. dtype : tf.DType, optional Data type, by default tf.float32. Returns ------- array-like Transformed data. """ alpha = tf.constant(alpha, dtype=dtype) a = tf.square(cosec(alpha)) - tf.square(sec(alpha)) b = tf.square(cosec(alpha)) + tf.square(sec(alpha)) return (b * x - tf.sqrt((b**2 - a**2) * tf.square(x) + 2 * a)) / a