Source code for aphin.layers.phq_layer

TensorFlow layers for identification of dynamical systems
e.g. LTI systems (LTILayer), port-Hamiltonian systems (PHLayer), ...
intended for standalone use or the use in the latent space of an autoencoder.
All layers approximate the right-hand side of the ODE given states z(t), inputs u(t) and parameters mu
and should be trained using reference values of the states, inputs, parameters and the left-hand side of the ODE
which is assumed to depend only on the time derivative of the states.

import logging
import random
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

from aphin.operators import LinearOperatorSymPosDef, LinearOperatorSym
from aphin.layers import PHLayer

[docs] class PHQLayer(PHLayer): """ Layer for port-Hamiltonian (pH) approximation of the time derivative of the latent variable z'(t) = (J - R) * Q * z(t) + B * u(t) with J skew-symmetric, R symmetric positive definite, and Q symmetric positive definite. This is a generalization of PHLayer. """ def __init__(self, r, n_u=None, n_mu=None, regularizer=None, **kwargs): """ Initialize the PHQLayer. Parameters ---------- r : int Number of latent variables. n_u : int, optional Number of inputs, by default None. n_mu : int, optional Number of parameters, by default None. regularizer : tf.keras.regularizers.Regularizer, optional Regularizer object for trainable variables of the class, by default None. **kwargs : dict Additional arguments for the PHLayer base class. """ super(PHQLayer, self).__init__(r, n_u, n_mu, regularizer, **kwargs) # regularization parameter to ensure positive definiteness in case self.n_sym > 0 if self.dtype_ is tf.float32: self.epsilon = 1e-6 else: self.epsilon = 1e-12
[docs] def init_weights(self): """ Initialize trainable variables """ # add trainable variables super(PHQLayer, self).init_weights() self.dof_Q = self.add_weight( name="dof_Q", shape=(self.n_sym,), initializer="uniform", trainable=True, regularizer=self.regularizer, dtype=self.dtype_, )
@property def n_matrices_dofs(self): """ Number of trainable variables for the matrices. Returns ------- int Number of trainable variables. """ return self.n_skew + self.n_sym + self.r * self.n_u + self.n_sym @property def dof_split(self): """ Split of the internal degrees of freedom into J, R, B, and Q. Returns ------- tuple Tuple containing the split of degrees of freedom. """ return self.n_skew, self.n_sym, self.r * self.n_u, self.n_sym
[docs] def get_system_matrices(self, mu=None, n_t=None): """ Return matrices in the format (n_sim, r, r). Parameters ---------- mu : array-like, optional Parameters, by default None. n_t : int, optional Number of time steps, required if mu is not None, by default None. Returns ------- tuple Tuple containing matrices J, R, B, and Q. """ J, R, B = super().get_system_matrices(mu, n_t) if mu is not None: if n_t is None: raise ValueError("n_t is required in the parameter-dependent case.") _, _, _, self.dof_Q = self.get_parameter_dependent_weights(mu) Q = np.reshape(self.Q.to_dense().numpy(), (-1, n_t, self.r, self.r)) Q = Q[:, 0, :, :] else: # convert to matrices Q = np.expand_dims(self.Q.to_dense().numpy(), axis=0) return J, R, B, Q
[docs] @tf.function def call(self, z, u, mu=None, training=False): """ Evaluate right-hand side of the ODE system z'(t) = f(z, u, mu) for inputs (z, u, mu). Parameters ---------- z : array-like System states with shape (n_t * n_s, n). u : array-like, optional System inputs with shape (n_t * n_s, n_u), by default None. mu : array-like, optional Parameters, by default None. training : bool, optional Whether the call is in training mode, by default False. Returns ------- tf.Tensor Approximation of z'(t). """ # update matrices for given parameters if self.n_mu > 0: self.dof_J, self.dof_R, self.dof_B, self.dof_Q = ( self.get_parameter_dependent_weights(mu) ) # z, u, mu = self.split_inputs(inputs, input_shapes) # evaluate PH approximation of the time derivative of the latent variable # z, u = tf.cast(z, dtype=self.dtype_), tf.cast(u, dtype=self.dtype_) Qz = self.Q.matvec(z) if self.r > 1: dz_dt = self.J.matvec(Qz) - self.R.matvec(Qz) else: dz_dt = -self.R.matvec(Qz) if self.n_u > 0: u = tf.cast(u, dtype=tf.float32) dz_dt += self.B.matvec(u) return dz_dt
@property def Q(self): """ Get the symmetric positive definite matrix Q. Returns ------- tf.Tensor Symmetric positive definite matrix Q. """ if self.n_sym == 0: return LinearOperatorSym(tf.zeros([self.r, self.r])) # for a pH system Q needs to be symmetric and positive definite return LinearOperatorSymPosDef(self.dof_Q, epsilon=self.epsilon)