Source code for aphin.operators.linear_operator_sym_pos_def

TensorFlow linear operators that represent [batch] matrices with special properties
e.g. symmetric, skew-symmetric, symmetric positive semi-definite matrices
based on their degrees of freedom (DOFs)

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
from tensorflow.python.ops.linalg import linear_operator_util
from aphin.operators.operator_utils import _transpose_last2d

[docs] class LinearOperatorSymPosDef(tf.linalg.LinearOperatorFullMatrix): """ `LinearOperator` acting like a [batch] square symmetric positive definite matrix. Each square symmetric positive definite matrix with shape (N, N) has a number of n_dof = N * (N + 1) / 2 degrees of freedom (DOF). This operator acts like a [batch] square symmetric positive definite matrix `A` with shape `[B1,...,Bb, N, N]` for some `b >= 0`. The first `b` indices index a batch member. For every batch index `(i1,...,ib)`, `A[i1,...,ib, : :]` is an square symmetric `N x N` matrix. This matrix `A` is not materialized but only the degrees of freedom (DOF) of each square symmetric positive definite matrix is stored. Only for purposes of broadcasting this shape will be relevant. `LinearOperatorSymPosDef` is initialized with a (batch) vector that contains the DOF of each square symmetric positive definite matrix. """ def __init__( self, dof, is_non_singular=None, is_self_adjoint=None, is_positive_definite=None, is_square=None, name="LinearOperatorSymPosDef", epsilon=1e-12, ): """ Initialize a `LinearOperatorSymPosDef`. A symmetric positive definite matrix is a square matrix that is both symmetric and positive definite. This class represents a linear operator in the form of a symmetric positive definite matrix. Parameters ---------- dof : array-like Degrees of freedom of a square symmetric positive definite matrix. Expected shape is (n_dof,) where n_dof = N * (N + 1) / 2 for a square symmetric positive definite matrix of shape (N, N). is_non_singular : bool, optional Indicates if the matrix is non-singular. Default is None. is_self_adjoint : bool, optional Indicates if the matrix is self-adjoint. For symmetric matrices, this should be True as they are trivially self-adjoint. Default is None. is_positive_definite : bool, optional Indicates if the matrix is positive definite. Default is None. is_square : bool, optional Indicates if the matrix is square. Must be True for symmetric positive definite matrices. Default is None. name : str, optional Name of the operator. Default is "LinearOperatorSymPosDef". epsilon : float, optional Regularization parameter to ensure positive definiteness. Default is 1e-12. """ with ops.name_scope(name, values=[dof]): self._dof = linear_operator_util.convert_nonref_to_tensor(dof, name="dof") self._chol = tfp.math.fill_triangular(self._dof, upper=False) self._chol_t = _transpose_last2d(self._chol) # add regularization for Q to become pos. def instead of only semi-def. reg_matrix = epsilon * tf.eye(self._chol.shape[-1]) self._matrix = tf.matmul(self._chol, self._chol_t) + reg_matrix # Check and auto-set hints. if is_square is False: raise ValueError( "Only square skew symmetric operators currently supported." ) is_square = True if is_self_adjoint is False: raise ValueError("Real symmetric operators are always self adjoint.") is_self_adjoint = True super(LinearOperatorSymPosDef, self).__init__( matrix=self._matrix, is_non_singular=is_non_singular, is_self_adjoint=is_self_adjoint, is_positive_definite=is_positive_definite, is_square=is_square, name=name, )