import os
import itertools
import yaml
import logging
import numpy as np
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def run_various_experiments(
Runs multiple experiments by creating several config files.
experiment_main_script : function
main script that runs the desired example
parameter_variation_dict: dict
dict.keys need to match with keyword in basic config file
dict.values are a list of desired configurations
e.g. {"scaling_values":["Null",[10,100,0.1]],
"r": [2,6,10]}
basis_config_yml_path: (str)
absolute path to basic config file which shall be manipulated
result_dir: (str)
absolute path to where the results
yaml_paths_list = create_modified_config_files(
parameter_variation_dict, basis_config_yml_path, result_dir
def create_modified_config_files(
parameter_variation_dict, basis_config_yml_path, result_dir
Generate modified YAML configuration files based on variations in parameter values.
This function takes a base configuration file and creates new configuration files for each combination of parameter values provided. Each generated configuration file is named uniquely based on the experiment name and parameter values. If a parameter value is a float, it is formatted to avoid scientific notation and unnecessary decimal points.
parameter_variation_dict : dict
Dictionary where keys are configuration parameter names and values are lists of possible values for those parameters. The function will generate configuration files for every combination of these parameter values.
basis_config_yml_path : str
File path to the base YAML configuration file used as the template for modifications.
result_dir : str
Directory where the modified configuration files will be saved.
yaml_paths_list : list of str
List of file paths to the generated YAML configuration files.
# %% generate config files
yaml_paths_list = []
for experiment in dict_product(parameter_variation_dict):
# %% create save name
# basic config .yml file
# basis_config_yml_path = os.path.join(working_dir, "../config.yml")
cfg = yaml.safe_load(open(basis_config_yml_path))
experiment_name_as_prefix = cfg["experiment"]
save_name = f"{experiment_name_as_prefix}_"
for key, value in experiment.items():
if isinstance(value, list):
value_str = ""
for string in value:
value_str += f"{string}_"
value_str = value_str.strip("_")
save_name += f"{key}{value_str}_"
save_name += f"{key}{value}_"
save_name = save_name.strip("_")
# rename experiment to make it unique
experiment["experiment"] = save_name
# %% create config files for different experiment runs
keyword_found_list = []
adapted_config_file_path = os.path.join(result_dir, f"{save_name}.yml")
with open(basis_config_yml_path, "r") as basic_config_file:
with open(
adapted_config_file_path, "w"
) as adapted_config_file: # basis config.yml
# loop over lines
for line_num, line in enumerate(basic_config_file):
# loop over keys
for key, value in experiment.items():
# check for keyword in config file
if line.startswith(key):
split_comment = line.split(
) # check for comments and add them
if isinstance(value, float):
# omit scientific notation
# strip '.' at the end if value has no decimals
value = np.format_float_positional(value).strip(".")
line = f"{key}: {value} "
if len(split_comment) > 1:
line += f"# {split_comment[-1]}" # add comment
if not all(
ele in keyword_found_list for ele in parameter_variation_dict.keys()
raise ValueError(f"Not all keys have been found in config.yml.")
return yaml_paths_list
def find_all_yaml_files(working_dir):
Locate all YAML files (.yml) within a specified directory and its subdirectories.
This function searches through the given working directory and all its subfolders to find files with a `.yml` extension.
working_dir : str
The root directory where the search for YAML files begins.
yaml_files : list of str
A list of file paths to all YAML files found within the working directory and its subfolders.
yaml_files = [
os.path.join(dirpath, f)
for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(working_dir)
for f in filenames
if f.endswith(".yml")
return yaml_files
def run_all_yaml_files(
Execute a main experiment script for each YAML configuration file and log the results.
This function iterates over a list of YAML configuration file paths, executes the provided
`experiment_main_script` for each configuration, and logs the results to a separate log file
for each experiment.
experiment_main_script : callable
A function that executes the main experiment. It should accept a `config_path_to_file`
keyword argument, which is the path to the YAML configuration file. This function runs
the experiment based on the provided configuration.
yaml_paths_list : list of str
A list of file paths to YAML configuration files. Each file specifies a different set
of parameters for the experiment.
log_dir : str
Directory where the log files will be saved. Each experiment will have a corresponding
log file named after the experiment.
This function does not return any value.
# %% loop over config files
for i, yaml_file_path in enumerate(yaml_paths_list):
# get experiment name
cfg = yaml.safe_load(open(yaml_file_path))
experiment_name = cfg["experiment"]
# remove old file handler
if not i == 0:
# setup logger
logger_file_name = os.path.join(log_dir, f"{experiment_name}.log")
file_handler = logging.FileHandler(logger_file_name)
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Run ended with error {e}")
def dict_product(d):
Generate all possible combinations of parameter values from a dictionary.
This function yields all combinations of the values in the dictionary `d`, where each key
in the dictionary corresponds to a parameter with multiple possible values. The combinations
are generated by creating a Cartesian product of the values for all keys.
d : dict
A dictionary where each key is a parameter and the corresponding value is a list of possible
values for that parameter. The function will generate all combinations of these values.
A dictionary representing a single combination of parameter values. Each dictionary has the same
keys as the input dictionary `d`, with values corresponding to one combination of the possible
>>> param_dict = {'param1': [1, 2], 'param2': ['a', 'b']}
>>> list(dict_product(param_dict))
[{'param1': 1, 'param2': 'a'}, {'param1': 1, 'param2': 'b'}, {'param1': 2, 'param2': 'a'}, {'param1': 2, 'param2': 'b'}]
keys = d.keys()
for element in itertools.product(*d.values()):
yield dict(zip(keys, element))