Source code for aphin.utils.integrators

import numpy as np
import scipy
import logging
from timeit import default_timer as timer


[docs] def implicit_midpoint(E, A, t, z_init, B=None, u=None, decomp_option="lu"): """ Calculate time integration of a linear ODE system using the implicit midpoint rule. This function solves the ODE system defined by: E * dz_dt = A * z + B * u Parameters: ----------- E : numpy.ndarray Descriptor matrix of the ODE system. A : numpy.ndarray System matrix of the ODE system. t : numpy.ndarray Time vector with equidistant time steps. z_init : numpy.ndarray Initial state vector. B : numpy.ndarray, optional Input matrix. Defaults to None, which sets B to zero. u : numpy.ndarray, optional Input function at time midpoints. Defaults to None, which sets u to zero. decomp_option : str, optional Option for matrix decomposition or solving. Choices are 'lu' for LU decomposition or 'linalg_solve' for solving without decomposition. Defaults to 'lu'. Returns: -------- z : numpy.ndarray Array of state vectors at each time step. t : numpy.ndarray Array of time points. Theory: -------- we got a pH-system E*Dx = (J-R)*Q*x + B*u we define A:=(J-R)*Q and the RHS as f(t,x) use the differential slope equation at midpoint (x(t+h)-x(t))/h=Dx(t+h/2)=E^-1 * f(t+h/2,x(t+h/2)) since x(t+h/2) is unknown we use the approximation x(t+h/2) = 1/2*(x(t)+x(t+h)) insert the linear system into the differential equation leads to x(t+h) = x(t) + h * E^-1 *(1/2*A*(x(t)+x(t+h))+ B*u(t+h/2)) reformulate the equation to (E-h/2*A)x(t+h) = (E+h/2*A)*x(t) + h*B*u(t+h/2) solve the linear equation system, e.g. via LU-decomposition The linear system is solved for x(t + h) using the specified decomposition method. Examples: --------- >>> E = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) >>> A = np.array([[0, -1], [1, 0]]) >>> t = np.linspace(0, 10, 100) >>> z_init = np.array([1, 0]) >>> z, t = implicit_midpoint(E, A, t, z_init) """ # number of time samples n_t = len(t) step_size = t[1] - t[0] tmid = np.zeros(n_t) # initialize state array n_f = len(z_init) z = np.zeros((n_t, n_f)) z[0, :] = z_init # default input values if B is None: n_u = 1 B = np.zeros((n_f, n_u)) u = np.zeros((n_t, n_u)) else: "Use predefined input function u. Make sure that inputs are given at mid timepoints" ) # time different decomposition methods start_time_solver = timer() if decomp_option == "lu": # LU decomposition of lhs lu, piv = scipy.linalg.lu_factor((E - (step_size / 2) * A)) # loop over time samples for i_t in range(n_t - 1): tmid[i_t] = t[0] + ((i_t + 1) - 0.5) * step_size if decomp_option == "lu": z[i_t + 1, :] = scipy.linalg.lu_solve( (lu, piv), (E + (step_size / 2) * A) @ z[i_t, :] + step_size * B @ u[i_t, :], ) elif decomp_option == "linalg_solve": z[i_t + 1, :] = np.linalg.solve( (E - (step_size / 2) * A), (E + (step_size / 2) * A) @ z[i_t, :] + step_size * B @ u[i_t, :], ) else: raise ValueError(f"Decomposition option {decomp_option} is unknown.") end_time_solver = timer() solver_time = end_time_solver - start_time_solver"Calculation time of ODE solver has been {solver_time} s.\n") return z, t[:, np.newaxis]