import numpy as np
import logging
def matprint(name, mat, decimals=2):
Pretty print a matrix with specified formatting.
This function prints the matrix with a label and formats the floating-point numbers
to a specified number of decimal places for better readability.
name : str
Label to display before printing the matrix.
mat : numpy.ndarray
The matrix to be printed.
decimals : int, optional
Number of decimal places to format the floating-point numbers. Defaults to 2.
>>> mat = np.array([[1.123456, 2.345678], [3.456789, 4.567890]])
>>> matprint("My Matrix", mat, decimals=3)
My Matrix:
[[1.123 2.346]
[3.457 4.568]]
with np.printoptions(
formatter={"float": ("{:0." + str(decimals) + "f}").format},
def print_matrices(
layer, mu=None, n_t=None, sim_idx=0, data=None, decimals=2, use_train_data=False
Print system matrices and their original counterparts, if available.
This function extracts and prints the system matrices (J, R, B, Q) from a given layer
and compares them with their original counterparts if provided. It also logs the minimum
eigenvalues of matrices Q and R.
layer : instance of LTILayer or its children
An object that provides the `get_system_matrices` method to retrieve the system matrices.
mu : array-like, optional
Parameter values. Defaults to None.
n_t : int or None, optional
Number of time steps. Defaults to None.
sim_idx : int, optional
Simulation index for selecting specific matrices from a list of matrices. Defaults to 0.
data : object from PHIdentifiedDataset or None, optional
An object containing original matrices for comparison. Defaults to None.
decimals : int, optional
Number of decimal places to format the matrix values. Defaults to 2.
use_train_data : bool, optional
If True, uses training data for original matrices; otherwise, uses test data. Defaults to False.
# identified matrices
matrix_names = ["J", "R", "B", "Q"] # standard order
matrices = list(layer.get_system_matrices(mu, n_t))
if data is not None:
# original matrices
if use_train_data:
matrices_orig = list(data.ph_matrices)
matrices_orig = list(data.ph_matrices_test)
# swap position of Q and B
matrices_orig[2], matrices_orig[3] = matrices_orig[3], matrices_orig[2]
matrix_names_orig = ["J_orig", "R_orig", "B_orig", "Q_orig"]
for i, (name, mat) in enumerate(zip(matrix_names[: len(matrices)], matrices)):
if mat is None:
# e.g. no input matrix B; will be skipped
mat = mat[sim_idx]
matprint(name, mat, decimals=decimals)
if data is not None:
if matrices_orig[i] is None:
raise ValueError("Original matrix is required in the data instance.")
mat_orig = matrices_orig[i][sim_idx]
matrix_name_orig = matrix_names_orig[i]
matprint(matrix_name_orig, mat_orig, decimals=decimals)
if len(matrices) == 4:
eigvals_Q_list = [
for i in range(matrices[3].shape[0])
]"Minimum eigenvalue of Q: {np.min(eigvals_Q_list)}")
# calculate all minimal eigenvalues
eigvals_R_list = [
np.min(np.linalg.eigvals(matrices[1][i])) for i in range(matrices[1].shape[0])
]"Minimum eigenvalue of all R: {np.min(eigvals_R_list)}")