Source code for aphin.utils.save_results

import os
import numpy as np
import shutil
import pandas as pd

[docs] def save_results(weight_dir, path_to_config, config_dict, result_dir, load_network): """ calls the functions to save weights, config and writes to overview .csv Parameters: ----------- weight_dir : str Directory where the neural network weights are saved. path_to_config : str The path to the configuration file (`config.yml`). This file should be a YAML file with the experiment's configuration. config_dict : dict Configuration dictionary, typically obtained from the Configuration class. result_dir : str Destination directory where the results are stored. The overview CSV is written to the parent directory. """ save_weights(weight_dir, result_dir, load_network) save_config(path_to_config, result_dir, load_network) write_to_experiment_overview(config_dict, result_dir, load_network)
[docs] def save_evaluation_times(data_id, result_dir): """ Save the evaluation times to a CSV file. This function saves the evaluation times of the model to a CSV file in the specified `result_dir`. Parameters: ----------- data_id : Identified dataset of class DataIdentification object that contains the evaluation times. result_dir : str Destination directory where the results are stored. """ for key, data_ in dict(train=data_id.TRAIN, test=data_id.TEST).items(): file_name = f"evaluation_times_{key}.csv" file_dir = os.path.join(result_dir, file_name) # print(range(1, data_.n_sim + 1)) header = ",".join([str(i) for i in list(range(1, data_.n_sim + 1))]) header = "mean," + header solving_times = np.insert(data_.solving_times['per_run'], 0, data_.solving_times['mean'])[np.newaxis] np.savetxt( file_dir, solving_times, delimiter=",", fmt="%s", comments="", header=header, )
[docs] def save_training_times(tran_hist, result_dir): """ Save the training times to a CSV file. Parameters: ----------- tran_hist : History object from a Keras model History object that contains the training times. result_dir : str Destination directory where the results are stored. """ file_name = "training_time.csv" file_dir = os.path.join(result_dir, file_name) header = "epochs,time,time_per_epoch" values = np.array([str(tran_hist.params['epochs']), str(tran_hist.history['time']), str(tran_hist.history['time_per_epoch'])])[np.newaxis] np.savetxt( file_dir, values, delimiter=",", fmt="%s", comments="", header=header, )
[docs] def save_weights(weight_dir, result_dir, load_network): """ Copy neural network weights from the weight directory to the result directory. This function copies the weights file from `weight_dir` to `result_dir`, ensuring that all relevant data is consolidated in one location. If `load_network` is True, no action is taken. Parameters: ----------- weight_dir : str Directory where the neural network weights are saved. result_dir : str Destination directory where the results are stored. load_network : bool Boolean indicating if the network is loaded in this experiment run. If True, weights are not copied. """ if load_network: pass else: # copy weights shutil.copy2( os.path.join(weight_dir, ".weights.h5"), os.path.join(result_dir, ".weights.h5"), )
[docs] def save_config(path_to_config, result_dir, load_network): """ Copies the configuration file to the results directory to consolidate all relevant data. This function ensures that the configuration file (`config.yml`) is copied to the specified `result_dir` for convenience. This helps in keeping all experiment data and configuration in a single folder. If `load_network` is `True`, the function does not perform any action. Parameters: ----------- path_to_config : str The path to the configuration file (`config.yml`). This file should be a YAML file with the experiment's configuration. result_dir : str The destination directory where the results are stored. The configuration file will be copied to this directory. load_network : bool A flag indicating whether a network is loaded in this experiment run. If `True`, no action is taken. If `False`, the configuration file is copied. Returns: -------- None The function does not return any value. It performs a file copy operation. """ if load_network: pass else: # copy config.yml if not (os.path.isfile(path_to_config) and path_to_config.endswith(".yml")): raise ValueError(f"Path {path_to_config} does not lead to config file.") shutil.copy2( path_to_config, os.path.join(result_dir, "config.yml"), )
[docs] def write_to_experiment_overview(config_dict, result_dir, load_network): """ Append experiment configuration details to an overview CSV file. This function updates a CSV file named `experiments_overview.csv` with the configuration details of the current experiment. If `load_network` is True, no new entry is added. If False, the configuration is added to the overview. Parameters: ----------- config_dict : dict Configuration dictionary, typically obtained from the Configuration class. result_dir : str Destination directory where the results are stored. The overview CSV is written to the parent directory. load_network : bool Boolean indicating if the network is loaded in this experiment run. If True, no new entry is added to the CSV. """ if load_network: # only create new entry if network is not loaded pass else: # name of csv file csv_filename = "experiments_overview.csv" # check if overview exists # result_dir uses experiment name -> use parent directory level path_to_csv = os.path.join(result_dir, "..", csv_filename) if os.path.isfile(path_to_csv): # read existing csv df_from_csv = pd.read_csv(path_to_csv) else: # create new overview # empty dataframe df_from_csv = pd.DataFrame({}) # write config data to dataframe # to avoid 'differnt length' error use "orient='index'" and transpose afterwards df_config = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(config_dict, orient="index").transpose() df_concatenated = pd.concat( [df_from_csv, df_config], ignore_index=True, sort=False ) # write to csv df_concatenated.to_csv(path_to_csv, index=False)