Source code for aphin.utils.transformations

import numpy as np
import logging
from scipy import linalg

from pymor.models.iosys import PHLTIModel, LTIModel

[docs] def transform_pH_to_Q_identity(J, R, Q, B, C, solver="Q", seed=1): """ Transform a port-Hamiltonian (pH) system to one with Q = I (identity matrix). This function transforms a given port-Hamiltonian system to a new representation where the matrix `Q` is replaced by the identity matrix. The transformation is described in [BeattieMehrmannVanDooren18] and involves solving a Riccati equation or using `Q` directly as a solution to the KYP (Kalman-Yakubovich-Popov) inequality. Parameters ---------- J : array-like, shape (n, n) The port-Hamiltonian J matrix, which should be skew-symmetric. R : array-like, shape (n, n) The port-Hamiltonian R matrix, which should be symmetric positive semi-definite. Q : array-like, shape (n, n) The port-Hamiltonian Q matrix to be transformed to the identity matrix. B : array-like, shape (n, n_u) The input matrix of the system. C : array-like, shape (n_u, n) The output matrix of the system. solver : {'scipy', 'pymor', 'Q'}, optional Method for solving the transformation: - 'scipy' or 'pymor': Use the Riccati equation solver. - 'Q': Use the provided Q matrix directly. seed : int, optional Random seed for generating a dummy input matrix when the Riccati equation is solved. Returns ------- J_T : ndarray, shape (n, n) The transformed J matrix. R_T : ndarray, shape (n, n) The transformed R matrix. B_T_ph : ndarray, shape (n, n_u) The transformed input matrix. C_T_ph : ndarray, shape (n_u, n) The transformed output matrix. T : ndarray, shape (n, n) The transformation matrix. T_inv : ndarray, shape (n, n) The inverse of the transformation matrix. input_used : bool Whether the input matrix was used in the transformation. Qeye_system_exists : bool Whether a valid transformation to Q = I was found. """ second_order_size = int(J.shape[0] / 2) solver_list = ["scipy", "pymor", "Q"] assert solver in solver_list # calculate system matrix A_ph = (J - R) @ Q # no feedthrough D = np.zeros((B.shape[1], B.shape[1])) # autonomous system? if B.sum() == 0: input_used = False else: input_used = True if solver in ["scipy", "pymor"]: if not (input_used): # no input # solving the Riccatti equation relies on an input matrix # if the pH system is autonomous (dissipative Hamiltonian system), we use a dummy input and output to solve the Riccatti equation # dummy B matrix either with one entry as 1 or as random matrix (random seems to work better) B_as_random = True if B_as_random: # B as random entries (only second half of state) rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) rand_indices_B = rng.integers( second_order_size, 2 * second_order_size, size=second_order_size ) B_Ricc = np.zeros(2 * second_order_size)[:, np.newaxis] B_Ricc[rand_indices_B] = rng.random(second_order_size)[:, np.newaxis] else: # B is one entry 1 B_Ricc = np.zeros(2 * second_order_size)[:, np.newaxis] B_Ricc[second_order_size] = 1 C = B_Ricc.T else: B_Ricc = B.copy() C = C.copy() # use small identity for feedthrough epsilon = 1e-12 D = epsilon * np.eye(B_Ricc.shape[1]) checkPR(A_ph, B_Ricc, C, D) X, Qeye_system_exists = solve_Riccati(A_ph, B_Ricc, C, D, solver) elif solver == "Q": Qeye_system_exists = True # use Q as solution to the KYP inequality"Using Q for transformation to identity.") X = Q else: raise ValueError( f"Unknown value for solver {solver}. Choose from valid entries: {solver_list}" ) J_T, R_T, B_T_ph, C_T_ph, T, T_inv = Q_to_I_transformation( Qeye_system_exists, A_ph, B, C, D, X ) return J_T, R_T, B_T_ph, C_T_ph, T, T_inv, input_used, Qeye_system_exists
[docs] def checkPR(A_ph, B, C, D): """ Check if a system is positive-real. This function evaluates the positive-realness of a linear system defined by the matrices \(A_{ph}\), \(B\), \(C\), and \(D\). It checks if the system's transfer function matrix is positive semidefinite for several frequencies on the imaginary axis. Parameters: ----------- A_ph : numpy.ndarray System matrix of the system. B : numpy.ndarray Input matrix of the system. C : numpy.ndarray Output matrix of the system. D : numpy.ndarray Feedthrough matrix of the system. Notes: ------ - Positive-realness requires that \(\Phi(s) = T(-s)^\dagger + T(s)\) is positive semidefinite for all \(\omega\) in \(\mathbb{R}\). - The function checks this for 100 points between 0.1 and 1000 rad/s. - For stability, it is sufficient to check if the (1,1) block of \(W(X)\) is positive semidefinite. """ # Check for positive-real systems calT = lambda s: D + C @ np.linalg.inv(s * np.eye(A_ph.shape[0]) - A_ph) @ B Phi = lambda s: (calT(-s)).conj().T + calT(s) # Phi needs to be positive semidefinite for all omega in i*R (on imaginary axis) # (checked for 100 points between 0.1 and 1000) omega_vec = np.linspace(0.1, 1000, 100) negEigValPhi = False for omega in omega_vec: eig_vals_Phi, eig_vectors_Phi = linalg.eig(Phi(1j * omega)) if (eig_vals_Phi < 0).any(): print(f"negative eigenvalues at i{omega} rad/s \n") negEigValPhi = True if not negEigValPhi: print(f"Phi is positive semidefinite - X that satisfies W(X) should exist")
# X itself needs to pos. def. for the system to be stable (Theorem 1) # However, it is sufficient for (asymptotic) stability that the (1,1) block of W, i.e. -X@A - A.conj().T@X, # is (pos. def.) pos. semidef.
[docs] def solve_Riccati(A_ph, B, C, D, solver): """ Solve the continuous-time algebraic Riccati equation (CARE) for a given system. The function supports solving using two different solvers: `scipy` and `pymor`. Parameters: ----------- A_ph : numpy.ndarray System matrix of the system. B : numpy.ndarray Input matrix of the system. C : numpy.ndarray Output matrix of the system. D : numpy.ndarray Feedthrough matrix of the system. solver : str Solver to use for solving the Riccati equation. Options are: - "scipy": Uses `scipy.linalg.solve_continuous_are`. - "pymor": Uses `pymor`'s LTIModel for solution. Returns: -------- X : numpy.ndarray Solution to the Riccati equation, if the solver was successful. Qeye_system_exists : bool Flag indicating whether the Riccati equation was successfully solved. """ if solver == "scipy": # Ricc(X) := -X@A - A.conj().T@X - (C.conj().T - X@B)@ inv(S) @ (C - B.conj().T@X) = 0 A_Ricc = -A_ph B_Ricc = -B R_Ricc = D + D.conj().T # called S in [BeattieMehrmannVanDooren18] S_Ricc = C.conj().T # called C^H in [BeattieMehrmannVanDooren18] Q_Ricc = np.zeros_like(A_Ricc) try:"Trying to solve Riccati equation with scipy.") Qeye_system_exists = True X = linalg.solve_continuous_are( A_Ricc, B_Ricc, Q_Ricc, R_Ricc, e=None, s=S_Ricc, balanced=True ) print(f"The Riccati equation was solved.") except np.linalg.LinAlgError as LinAlgError: print( f'LinAlgError: "{LinAlgError}" has occured. Riccati equation could not be solved. Q=I system is not calculated.' ) Qeye_system_exists = False elif solver == "pymor": lti_model = LTIModel.from_matrices(A_ph, B, C, D) try:"Trying to solve Riccati equation with pymor/slycot.") phlti_model, X = PHLTIModel.from_passive_LTIModel(lti_model) Qeye_system_exists = True except: print(f"Error when calculating Q identity transformation") Qeye_system_exists = False return X, Qeye_system_exists
[docs] def Q_to_I_transformation(Qeye_system_exists, A_ph, B, C, D, X): """ Perform a transformation of the system matrices based on the solution of the Riccati equation. This function checks the properties of the solution `X` to the Riccati equation, verifies the Kalman-Yakubovich-Popov (KYP) inequality, and performs a transformation to obtain a pH representation in transformed coordinates. It returns the transformed system matrices and the transformation matrices. Parameters: ----------- Qeye_system_exists : bool Flag indicating whether the Riccati equation was successfully solved. A_ph : numpy.ndarray Descriptor matrix of the system. B : numpy.ndarray Input matrix of the system. C : numpy.ndarray Output matrix of the system. D : numpy.ndarray Direct transmission matrix of the system. X : numpy.ndarray Solution to the Riccati equation. Returns: -------- J_T : numpy.ndarray Transformed matrix representing the pH system in T-coordinates. R_T : numpy.ndarray Transformed matrix representing the pH system in T-coordinates. B_T_ph : numpy.ndarray Transformed input matrix in T-coordinates. C_T_ph : numpy.ndarray Transformed output matrix in T-coordinates. T : numpy.ndarray Transformation matrix used for the coordinate change. T_inv : numpy.ndarray Inverse of the transformation matrix. """ if Qeye_system_exists: # matrix function W, KYP-LMI holds if W(X)>=0 (W(X) semidefinite) W = lambda X: np.block( [ [-X @ A_ph - A_ph.conj().T @ X, C.conj().T - X @ B], [C - B.conj().T @ X, D + D.conj().T], ] ) # check KYP inequality eig_vals_X, eig_vectors_X = linalg.eig(X) if (eig_vals_X <= 0).any(): print(f"The solution X is NOT pos. def.") else: print(f"Nice! The solution X is pos. def.") eig_vals_W, eig_vectors_W = linalg.eig(W(X)) # eps = 1e-10 if (eig_vals_W < 0).any(): print( f"WARNING! The KYP inequality is not satisfied. Minimum eigenvalue: {eig_vals_W.min()}" ) else: print(f"Nice! The KYP inequality is satisfied.") # if X is a solution to the KYP, # the symmetric factorization of X, e.g. Hermitian square root or Cholesky factorization use_cholesky = True if use_cholesky: T = linalg.cholesky(X) # Cholesky factorization (X needs to be pos. def.) # T = T.conj().T # This is wrong! else: # use Hermitian square root T = linalg.sqrtm(X) # leads to a transformed state-space in T-coordinates T_inv = np.linalg.inv(T) A_T = T @ A_ph @ T_inv B_T = T @ B C_T = C @ T_inv # we obtain a pH representation in T-coordinates J_T = 1 / 2 * (A_T - A_T.conj().T) R_T = -1 / 2 * (A_T + A_T.conj().T) K_T = 1 / 2 * (C_T.conj().T - B_T) G_T = 1 / 2 * (C_T.conj().T + B_T) # check pos. semidef. property of R_T eig_vals_R_T, eig_vectors_R_T = linalg.eig(R_T) if (eig_vals_R_T < 0).any(): print( f"WARNING! The matrix R does NOT satisfy the pH pos. semidef. property. Minimal eigenvalue {eig_vals_R_T.min()}" ) else: print(f"Nice! The matrix R does satisfy the pH pos. semidef. property") # build ph system matrices A_T_ph = J_T - R_T B_T_ph = G_T - K_T C_T_ph = (G_T + K_T).conj().T else: # return matrices as zeros A_T_ph = np.zeros_like(A_ph) B_T_ph = np.zeros_like(B) C_T_ph = np.zeros_like(C) return J_T, R_T, B_T_ph, C_T_ph, T, T_inv
[docs] def reshape_states_to_features(X, X_dt=None): """ Transforms the state array 'X' into a feature array 'x', which is required for identification. Parameters: ----------- X : ndarray State array of size (n_sim, n_t, n_n, n_dn) or (n_sim, n_t, n_f), where: - n_sim: number of simulations - n_t: number of time steps - n_n: number of nodes (only if X has 4 dimensions) - n_dn: number of degrees of freedom per node (only if X has 4 dimensions) - n_f: number of features (only if X has 3 dimensions) X_dt : ndarray, optional Time derivatives of the state array with the same shape as X. Default is None. Returns: -------- x : ndarray Feature array of size (n_s, n_f), where: - n_s: number of samples (n_sim * n_t) - n_f: number of features (n_n * n_dn) or n_f dx_dt : ndarray, optional Feature array of the time derivatives of size (n_s, n_f). Returned only if X_dt is not None. Notes: ------ - If X has 4 dimensions, it is reshaped from (n_sim, n_t, n_n, n_dn) to (n_s, n_f). - If X has 3 dimensions, it is assumed to be already in the shape (n_sim, n_t, n_f). - If X_dt is provided, it is reshaped similarly and returned alongside x. """ if X.ndim == 4: # default n_sim, n_t, n_n, n_dn = X.shape n_f = n_n * n_dn elif X.ndim == 3: n_sim, n_t, n_f = X.shape n_s = n_sim * n_t x = X.reshape(n_s, n_f) if X_dt is not None: dx_dt = X_dt.reshape(n_s, n_f) return x, dx_dt return x
[docs] def reshape_inputs_to_features(U): """ Transforms the input array 'U' into a feature array 'u', which is required for identification. The function reshapes the input array from (n_sim, n_t, n_u) to (n_s, n_u). Parameters: ----------- U : ndarray Input array of size (n_sim, n_t, n_u), where: - n_sim: number of simulations - n_t: number of time steps - n_u: number of input features Returns: -------- u : ndarray Feature array of size (n_s, n_u), where: - n_s: number of samples (n_sim * n_t) - n_u: number of input features """ assert U.ndim == 3 n_sim, n_t, n_u = U.shape n_s = n_sim * n_t u = U.reshape(n_s, n_u) return u
[docs] def reshape_features_to_states(x, n_sim, n_t, x_dt=None, n_n=None, n_dn=None, n_f=None): """ Transforms the feature array 'x' back into a state array 'X', either 3-dimensional or 4-dimensional. Parameters: ----------- x : ndarray Feature array of size (n_s, n_f), where: - n_s: number of samples (n_sim * n_t) - n_f: number of features (n_n * n_dn) if n_n and n_dn are provided, otherwise it is n_f. n_sim : int Number of simulations. n_t : int Number of time steps. x_dt : ndarray, optional Feature array of the time derivatives with the same shape as 'x'. Default is None. n_n : int, optional Number of nodes. Required if n_dn is provided. Default is None. n_dn : int, optional Number of degrees of freedom per node. Required if n_n is provided. Default is None. n_f : int, optional Number of features. Default is None. Returns: -------- X : ndarray State array of size (n_sim, n_t, n_n, n_dn) if n_n and n_dn are provided, otherwise (n_sim, n_t, n_f). X_dt : ndarray, optional State array of the time derivatives with the same shape as 'X'. Returned only if x_dt is not None. Raises: ------- ValueError If both (n_n and n_dn) and n_f are provided. Notes: ------ - Either n_f should be provided or both n_n and n_dn should be provided, but not both. - If n_n and n_dn are provided, the function reshapes the feature array to (n_sim, n_t, n_n, n_dn). - If n_f is provided, the function reshapes the feature array to (n_sim, n_t, n_f). - If x_dt is provided, it is reshaped similarly and returned alongside X. """ if (n_n != None or n_dn != None) and n_f != None: raise ValueError("Choose either n_n and n_dn or only n_f") # return ndim=4 states if n_n != None: X = x.reshape(n_sim, n_t, n_n, n_dn) if x_dt is not None: X_dt = x_dt.reshape(n_sim, n_t, n_n, n_dn) return X, X_dt # return ndim=3 states elif n_f != None: X = x.reshape(n_sim, n_t, n_f) if x_dt is not None: X_dt = x_dt.reshape(n_sim, n_t, n_f) return X, X_dt return X