Define and simulate dynamical systems
e.g. LTI systems (LTISystem), port-Hamiltonian systems (PHSystem), ...
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
from aphin.utils.integrators import implicit_midpoint
class LTISystem:
General linear, time invariant ODE system (LTI system) with constant system matrices
def __init__(self, A, B=None):
Initializes a LTISystem class instance with system matrix A.
The system is defined by the differential equation:
x'(t) = A * x(t) + B * u(t), x(0) = x_init
A : array-like, shape (n, n)
System matrix.
B : array-like, shape (n, n_u), optional
Input matrix. If not provided, it defaults to a zero matrix of shape (n, 1).
super(LTISystem, self).__init__()
self.A = A
if B is None:
self.B = np.zeros((self.A.shape[0], 1))
if B.ndim == 3:
self.B = np.squeeze(B, axis=2)
self.B = B
assert self.A.shape[0] == self.A.shape[1]
assert self.A.shape[0] == self.B.shape[0]
self.n = self.A.shape[0]
self.n_u = self.B.shape[1]
self.C = np.eye(self.n)
self.E = np.eye(self.n)
self.E_inv_A = self.A
self.E_inv_B = self.B
self.sys = signal.StateSpace(self.A, self.B, self.C)
def solve(self, t, z_init, u=None, integrator_type="IMR", decomp_option="lu"):
Solve the system for given times, initial conditions, and inputs.
t : array-like, shape (n_t,)
Array with time steps for the solution.
z_init : array-like, shape (n,) or (n, n_sim)
Initial conditions of the system. If the shape is (n,), it represents a single simulation;
if the shape is (n, n_sim), it represents multiple simulations.
u : array-like, shape (n_t, n_u) or (n_sim, n_t, n_u), optional
Input signal for the system. If not provided, it defaults to zeros.
The shape should match the dimensions of the input matrix B.
integrator_type : {'IMR', 'lsim'}, optional
The integration method to use. 'IMR' stands for implicit midpoint rule, and 'lsim' uses the matrix exponential.
Default is 'IMR'.
decomp_option : {'lu', 'linalg_solve'}, optional
The decomposition option for the IMR integrator. 'lu' uses LU decomposition,
and 'linalg_solve' solves without decomposition. Default is 'lu'.
z_sol : ndarray, shape (n_sim, n_t, n_f)
The solution of the ODE system. If multiple simulations are performed,
the result is a 3D array where each slice corresponds to a simulation.
assert isinstance(integrator_type, str)
n_t = len(t)
if z_init.ndim == 1:
z_init = np.expand_dims(z_init, axis=1)
n_f, n_sim = z_init.shape
n_u = self.B.shape[1]
if u is None:
u_ = np.zeros((n_sim, n_t, n_u))
elif u.ndim == 3:
u_ = u.copy()
raise ValueError("Shape of u does not fit")
assert self.A.shape[0] == n_f
z_sol = np.zeros((n_sim, n_t, n_f))
for i in range(n_sim):
u_i = u_[i, :, :]
if integrator_type.lower() == "imr":
z_out, _ = implicit_midpoint(
z_init[:, i],
elif integrator_type.lower() == "lsim":
_, _, z_out = signal.lsim(
self.sys, u_i, t.ravel(), X0=z_init[:, i], interp=True
raise ValueError(
f"Input value of solve_method={integrator_type} is unknown"
z_sol[i, :, :] = z_out
return z_sol
def solve_dt(self, t, z_init, U=None, integrator_type="IMR", decomp_option="lu"):
Solves the system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) for given time steps, initial conditions, and inputs.
Also computes the exact time derivative of the solution.
t : ndarray
Array of time steps with shape (n_t,).
z_init : ndarray
Initial conditions with shape (n_f, n_sim) or (n_f,).
U : ndarray, optional
Input signal with shape (n_t, n_u) or (n_sim, n_t, n_u). Default is None.
If None, a zero input is used.
integrator_type : str, optional
Type of integrator to use. Choices are:
- 'IMR' : Implicit Midpoint Rule
- 'LSIM' : Matrix Exponential (Default is 'IMR').
decomp_option : str, optional
Decomposition option for the Implicit Midpoint Rule. Choices are:
- 'lu' : LU decomposition
- 'linalg_solve' : Solve without decomposition (Default is 'lu').
x : ndarray
Solution of the ODE system with shape (n_sim, n_t, n_f).
dx_dt : ndarray
Time derivative of the solution with shape (n_sim, n_t, n_f).
n_t = len(t)
n_f, n_sim = z_init.shape
assert self.A.shape[0] == n_f
n_u = self.B.shape[1]
if U is None:
u_ = np.zeros((n_sim, n_t, n_u))
elif U.ndim == 2:
u_ = U.copy().reshape(n_sim, n_t, n_u)
elif U.ndim == 3:
u_ = U.copy()
raise ValueError("Shape of u does not fit")
z = self.solve(
t, z_init, u_, integrator_type=integrator_type, decomp_option=decomp_option
dz_dt = np.empty((n_sim, n_t, n_f))
for i in range(n_sim):
dz_dt_i = (
self.A @ z[i, :, :].transpose() + self.B @ u_[i, :, :].transpose()
) # dx_dt_i of size (n_f,n_t)
dz_dt[i, :, :] = dz_dt_i.transpose() # of size (n_sim,n_t,n_f)
return z, dz_dt
def stable(self, eps=1e-4):
Check if the system is stable.
This property calculates the eigenvalues of the matrix `E_inv@A` and checks if the real part
of the largest eigenvalue is less than a negative threshold, indicating stability.
eps : float, optional
A small positive threshold to determine stability. Default is 1e-4.
True if the system is stable, False otherwise.
return np.linalg.eigvals(self.E_inv_A).max().real < -eps
def is_regular(self, M):
Check if a matrix M is regular.
A matrix is considered regular if it has full rank and a condition number below a specified threshold.
M : array-like, shape (n, n)
The matrix to be checked for regularity.
True if the matrix M is regular, False otherwise.
return np.linalg.matrix_rank(M) == self.n and np.linalg.cond(M) < 1e10
def is_sym(M):
Check if a matrix M is symmetric.
This method checks whether the matrix M is equal to its transpose.
M : array-like, shape (n, n)
The matrix to be checked for symmetry.
True if the matrix M is symmetric, False otherwise.
return np.allclose(M, M.T)
def is_skew_sym(M):
Check if a matrix M is skew-symmetric.
This method checks whether the matrix M is equal to the negative of its transpose.
M : array-like, shape (n, n)
The matrix to be checked for skew-symmetry.
True if the matrix M is skew-symmetric, False otherwise.
return np.allclose(M, -M.T)
def is_pos_def(M):
Check if a matrix M is positive semi-definite.
This method checks whether all eigenvalues of the matrix M are non-negative. The matrix is considered
positive semi-definite if the smallest eigenvalue is greater than or equal to a small threshold
determined by the machine precision.
M : array-like, shape (n, n)
The matrix to be checked for positive semi-definiteness.
True if the matrix M is positive semi-definite, False otherwise.
return np.linalg.eigvals(M).min() >= -np.finfo(M.dtype).eps
def quad(xl, M, xr=None):
Calculate the quadratic form \( xl^T @ M @ xr \).
This method computes the quadratic form given by the expression:
xl^T @ M @ xr, where xl and xr are vectors and M is a matrix.
xl : array-like, shape (n,)
Vector on the left side of the matrix M.
M : array-like, shape (n, n)
Matrix representing the quadratic form.
xr : array-like, shape (n,), optional
Vector on the right side of the matrix M. If not provided, xr is assumed to be equal to xl.
The result of the quadratic form.
if xr is None:
xr = xl
return np.einsum("ti,ij,tj->t", xl, M, xr)
def get_system_matrix(self):
Retrieve the system matrices A, B, and C.
This method returns the matrices that define the linear time-invariant (LTI) system.
tuple of array-like
A tuple containing the system matrices:
- A : array-like, shape (n, n)
The state matrix.
- B : array-like, shape (n, n_u)
The input matrix.
- C : array-like, shape (n, n)
The output matrix.
return self.A, self.B, self.C
class DescrLTISystem(LTISystem):
Linear time-invariant (LTI) system with descriptor formulation.
This class represents a linear time-invariant ODE system in a descriptor formulation, where
the system is described by the equation:
E * x'(t) = A * x(t) + B * u(t), with initial condition x(0) = x_init.
The descriptor matrix E allows for more general system representations, including
differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) if E is singular.
def __init__(self, A, B=None, E=None):
Initialize a descriptor linear time-invariant (LTI) system.
A : array-like, shape (n, n)
System matrix.
B : array-like, shape (n, n_u), optional
Input matrix. If not provided, defaults to a zero matrix of appropriate shape.
E : array-like, shape (n, n), optional
Descriptor matrix. If not provided, defaults to the identity matrix of appropriate shape.
super(DescrLTISystem, self).__init__(A, B)
if E is None:
self.E = np.eye(self.A.shape[0])
self.E = E
def solve(self, t, z_init, u=None, integrator_type="IMR", decomp_option="lu"):
Solve the descriptor linear time-invariant (LTI) system for given times, initial conditions, and inputs.
This method integrates the system's differential-algebraic equations over the specified time steps.
t : array-like, shape (n_t,)
Array of time steps for which the solution is computed.
z_init : array-like, shape (n,) or (n, n_s)
Initial conditions of the system. If multiple simulations are run, this should have shape (n, n_s).
u : array-like, shape (n_t, n_u) or (n_t, n_u, n_s), optional
Input signal for the system. If not provided, defaults to zero input. If multiple simulations are run,
the shape should be (n_t, n_u, n_s).
integrator_type : {'IMR'}, optional
The type of integrator to use. Only 'IMR' (Implicit Midpoint Rule) is supported for descriptor systems.
decomp_option : {'lu', 'linalg_solve'}, optional
Option for decomposition in the IMR integrator. Options are 'lu' for LU decomposition or 'linalg_solve'
for solving without decomposition.
ndarray, shape (n_t, n, n_s)
The solution of the ODE system at each time step.
if integrator_type == "lsim":
raise ValueError(
f"Integrator type {integrator_type} is not supported for descriptor systems."
super(DescrLTISystem, self).solve(
self, t, z_init, u=None, integrator_type="IMR", decomp_option="lu"