aphin.systems package
aphin.systems.lti_systems module
Define and simulate dynamical systems e.g. LTI systems (LTISystem), port-Hamiltonian systems (PHSystem), …
- class aphin.systems.lti_systems.DescrLTISystem(A, B=None, E=None)[source]
Linear time-invariant (LTI) system with descriptor formulation.
This class represents a linear time-invariant ODE system in a descriptor formulation, where the system is described by the equation: E * x’(t) = A * x(t) + B * u(t), with initial condition x(0) = x_init.
The descriptor matrix E allows for more general system representations, including differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) if E is singular.
- solve(t, z_init, u=None, integrator_type='IMR', decomp_option='lu')[source]
Solve the descriptor linear time-invariant (LTI) system for given times, initial conditions, and inputs.
This method integrates the system’s differential-algebraic equations over the specified time steps.
- Parameters:
t (array-like, shape (n_t,)) – Array of time steps for which the solution is computed.
z_init (array-like, shape (n,) or (n, n_s)) – Initial conditions of the system. If multiple simulations are run, this should have shape (n, n_s).
u (array-like, shape (n_t, n_u) or (n_t, n_u, n_s), optional) – Input signal for the system. If not provided, defaults to zero input. If multiple simulations are run, the shape should be (n_t, n_u, n_s).
integrator_type ({'IMR'}, optional) – The type of integrator to use. Only ‘IMR’ (Implicit Midpoint Rule) is supported for descriptor systems.
decomp_option ({'lu', 'linalg_solve'}, optional) – Option for decomposition in the IMR integrator. Options are ‘lu’ for LU decomposition or ‘linalg_solve’ for solving without decomposition.
- Returns:
The solution of the ODE system at each time step.
- Return type:
ndarray, shape (n_t, n, n_s)
- class aphin.systems.lti_systems.LTISystem(A, B=None)[source]
General linear, time invariant ODE system (LTI system) with constant system matrices
- get_system_matrix()[source]
Retrieve the system matrices A, B, and C.
This method returns the matrices that define the linear time-invariant (LTI) system.
- Returns:
A tuple containing the system matrices: - A : array-like, shape (n, n)
The state matrix.
- Barray-like, shape (n, n_u)
The input matrix.
- Carray-like, shape (n, n)
The output matrix.
- Return type:
tuple of array-like
- static is_pos_def(M)[source]
Check if a matrix M is positive semi-definite.
This method checks whether all eigenvalues of the matrix M are non-negative. The matrix is considered positive semi-definite if the smallest eigenvalue is greater than or equal to a small threshold determined by the machine precision.
- Parameters:
M (array-like, shape (n, n)) – The matrix to be checked for positive semi-definiteness.
- Returns:
True if the matrix M is positive semi-definite, False otherwise.
- Return type:
- is_regular(M)[source]
Check if a matrix M is regular.
A matrix is considered regular if it has full rank and a condition number below a specified threshold.
- Parameters:
M (array-like, shape (n, n)) – The matrix to be checked for regularity.
- Returns:
True if the matrix M is regular, False otherwise.
- Return type:
- static is_skew_sym(M)[source]
Check if a matrix M is skew-symmetric.
This method checks whether the matrix M is equal to the negative of its transpose.
- Parameters:
M (array-like, shape (n, n)) – The matrix to be checked for skew-symmetry.
- Returns:
True if the matrix M is skew-symmetric, False otherwise.
- Return type:
- static is_sym(M)[source]
Check if a matrix M is symmetric.
This method checks whether the matrix M is equal to its transpose.
- Parameters:
M (array-like, shape (n, n)) – The matrix to be checked for symmetry.
- Returns:
True if the matrix M is symmetric, False otherwise.
- Return type:
- static quad(xl, M, xr=None)[source]
Calculate the quadratic form ( xl^T @ M @ xr ).
This method computes the quadratic form given by the expression: xl^T @ M @ xr, where xl and xr are vectors and M is a matrix.
- Parameters:
xl (array-like, shape (n,)) – Vector on the left side of the matrix M.
M (array-like, shape (n, n)) – Matrix representing the quadratic form.
xr (array-like, shape (n,), optional) – Vector on the right side of the matrix M. If not provided, xr is assumed to be equal to xl.
- Returns:
The result of the quadratic form.
- Return type:
- solve(t, z_init, u=None, integrator_type='IMR', decomp_option='lu')[source]
Solve the system for given times, initial conditions, and inputs.
- Parameters:
t (array-like, shape (n_t,)) – Array with time steps for the solution.
z_init (array-like, shape (n,) or (n, n_sim)) – Initial conditions of the system. If the shape is (n,), it represents a single simulation; if the shape is (n, n_sim), it represents multiple simulations.
u (array-like, shape (n_t, n_u) or (n_sim, n_t, n_u), optional) – Input signal for the system. If not provided, it defaults to zeros. The shape should match the dimensions of the input matrix B.
integrator_type ({'IMR', 'lsim'}, optional) – The integration method to use. ‘IMR’ stands for implicit midpoint rule, and ‘lsim’ uses the matrix exponential. Default is ‘IMR’.
decomp_option ({'lu', 'linalg_solve'}, optional) – The decomposition option for the IMR integrator. ‘lu’ uses LU decomposition, and ‘linalg_solve’ solves without decomposition. Default is ‘lu’.
- Returns:
z_sol – The solution of the ODE system. If multiple simulations are performed, the result is a 3D array where each slice corresponds to a simulation.
- Return type:
ndarray, shape (n_sim, n_t, n_f)
- solve_dt(t, z_init, U=None, integrator_type='IMR', decomp_option='lu')[source]
Solves the system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) for given time steps, initial conditions, and inputs. Also computes the exact time derivative of the solution.
- tndarray
Array of time steps with shape (n_t,).
- z_initndarray
Initial conditions with shape (n_f, n_sim) or (n_f,).
- Undarray, optional
Input signal with shape (n_t, n_u) or (n_sim, n_t, n_u). Default is None. If None, a zero input is used.
- integrator_typestr, optional
Type of integrator to use. Choices are: - ‘IMR’ : Implicit Midpoint Rule - ‘LSIM’ : Matrix Exponential (Default is ‘IMR’).
- decomp_optionstr, optional
Decomposition option for the Implicit Midpoint Rule. Choices are: - ‘lu’ : LU decomposition - ‘linalg_solve’ : Solve without decomposition (Default is ‘lu’).
- xndarray
Solution of the ODE system with shape (n_sim, n_t, n_f).
- dx_dtndarray
Time derivative of the solution with shape (n_sim, n_t, n_f).
- property stable
Check if the system is stable.
This property calculates the eigenvalues of the matrix E_inv@A and checks if the real part of the largest eigenvalue is less than a negative threshold, indicating stability.
- Parameters:
eps (float, optional) – A small positive threshold to determine stability. Default is 1e-4.
- Returns:
True if the system is stable, False otherwise.
- Return type:
aphin.systems.ph_systems module
Define and simulate dynamical systems e.g. LTI systems (LTISystem), port-Hamiltonian systems (PHSystem), …
- class aphin.systems.ph_systems.CheckPHProperties[source]
A class for checking properties of matrices related to port-Hamiltonian (pH) systems.
- check_pH_properties(J, R, Q, E=None, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08)[source]
Check if the matrices J, R, and Q (with optional descriptor E) satisfy port-Hamiltonian system properties.
This method verifies the following properties: - J is skew-symmetric. - R is symmetric positive definite. - transpose(E)@Q is symmetric positive definite
- Parameters:
J (array-like, shape (n, n)) – Skew-symmetric matrix related to the port-Hamiltonian system.
R (array-like, shape (n, n)) – Symmetric positive definite matrix.
Q (array-like, shape (n, n), optional) – Matrix to be checked for positive definiteness.
E (array-like, shape (n, n), optional) – Descriptor matrix. If not provided, defaults to the identity matrix.
rtol (float, optional) – Relative tolerance for numerical comparison (default is 1e-05).
atol (float, optional) – Absolute tolerance for numerical comparison (default is 1e-08).
- Returns:
True if all properties are satisfied, False otherwise.
- Return type:
- check_spd(A, rtol=1e-06, atol=1e-08)[source]
Check if a matrix is symmetric positive definite.
This method verifies if the matrix A is symmetric and positive definite. It does so by attempting a Cholesky decomposition. If the decomposition fails due to the matrix not being positive definite, a small regularization term is added to the matrix to try and make it positive definite.
- Parameters:
A (array-like, shape (n, n)) – The matrix to be checked for symmetric positive definiteness.
rtol (float, optional) – Relative tolerance for checking symmetry of the matrix (default is 1e-06).
atol (float, optional) – Absolute tolerance for checking symmetry of the matrix (default is 1e-08).
- Returns:
True if the matrix is symmetric positive definite, False otherwise.
- Return type:
Adapted from [MorandinNicodemusUnger22].
- class aphin.systems.ph_systems.DescrPHSystem(J_ph, R_ph, E, B=None, Q_ph=None)[source]
Linear port-Hamiltonian (pH) system in descriptor form with constant system matrices.
This class represents a linear port-Hamiltonian system described by the following differential equation: E * x’(t) = (J - R) * x(t) + B * u(t), with x(0) = x_init, where: - J is skew-symmetric: J = -J.T - R is symmetric positive semi-definite: R = R.T >= 0 - E is a descriptor matrix
- H(x)[source]
Calculate the Hamiltonian for a time series of states.
Computes the Hamiltonian function H(x) = 0.5 * x.T @ (E.T @ Q_ph) @ x for each time step in the time series x.
- Parameters:
x (ndarray, shape (n_t, n)) – Time series of states where n_t is the number of time steps and n is the dimension of the state vector.
- Returns:
The Hamiltonian values computed for each time step in the time series x.
- Return type:
ndarray, shape (n_t,)
- solve(t, z_init, u=None, integrator_type='IMR', decomp_option='lu')[source]
Solve the descriptor port-Hamiltonian system using the specified integration method.
Computes the solution to the differential equation system E * x’(t) = (J - R) * x(t) + B * u(t) over the given time steps with the provided initial conditions and inputs.
- Parameters:
t (ndarray, shape (n_t,)) – Array of time steps for the solution.
z_init (ndarray, shape (n,) or (n, n_s)) – Initial conditions for the system state.
u (ndarray, shape (n_t, n_u) or (n_t, n_u, n_s), optional) – Input signal to the system. If not provided, assumes zero input.
integrator_type (str, optional) – Integration method to use. Default is “IMR” (Implicit Midpoint Rule).
decomp_option (str, optional) – Decomposition method for the integrator. Default is “lu”. Other options may be available depending on the integrator.
- Returns:
x – Solution of the ODE system at each time step.
- Return type:
ndarray, shape (n_t, n, n_s)
- class aphin.systems.ph_systems.PHSystem(J_ph, R_ph, B=None, Q_ph=None)[source]
General linear, port-Hamiltonian (pH) system with constant system matrices.
This class represents a linear port-Hamiltonian system, defined by the differential equation:
x’(t) = (J - R) * x(t) + B * u(t), x(0) = x_init
where: - J is a skew-symmetric matrix (J = -J.T). - R is a symmetric positive semi-definite matrix (R = R.T >= 0).
- H(x)[source]
Calculate the Hamiltonian for a time series of states.
Computes the Hamiltonian for a time series of states x, given by the quadratic form:
H(x) = 0.5 * x.T @ Q_ph @ x
- Parameters:
x (array-like, shape (n_t, n)) – Time series of states where n_t is the number of time steps and n is the dimension of the state vector.
- Returns:
ndarray, shape (n_t,)
The Hamiltonian values corresponding to each time step.
- get_system_matrix()[source]
Retrieve the system matrices A, B, and C.
This method returns the matrices that define the linear time-invariant (LTI) system.
- Returns:
A tuple containing the system matrices: - A : array-like, shape (n, n)
The state matrix.
- Barray-like, shape (n, n_u)
The input matrix.
- Carray-like, shape (n, n)
The output matrix.
- Return type:
tuple of array-like
- transform_pH_to_Q_identity(solver='Q', seed=1)[source]
Transform the current port-Hamiltonian (pH) system to a Q = I (identity matrix) form, if possible.
This method attempts to transform the port-Hamiltonian system described by the matrices J_ph, R_ph, Q_ph, B_ph, and C_ph to a new system where Q is replaced by the identity matrix. If the transformation is successful, it returns a new PHSystem instance with the transformed matrices. If the transformation fails, it logs a message and returns the current instance.
- Parameters:
solver ({'scipy', 'pymor', 'Q'}, optional) – Method for solving the transformation: - ‘scipy’ or ‘pymor’: Use the Riccati equation solver. - ‘Q’: Use the provided Q matrix directly.
seed (int, optional) – Random seed for generating a dummy input matrix when solving the Riccati equation.
- Returns:
PHSystem or self – If the transformation to Q = I is successful, returns a new PHSystem instance with the transformed matrices. Otherwise, returns the current instance.
T (ndarray, shape (n, n)) – The transformation matrix, only returned if the transformation is successful.
T_inv (ndarray, shape (n, n)) – The inverse of the transformation matrix, only returned if the transformation is successful.