Source code for

Define and simulate dynamical systems
e.g. LTI systems (LTISystem), port-Hamiltonian systems (PHSystem), ...

import warnings
import numpy as np
import logging
from import LTISystem, DescrLTISystem
from aphin.utils.transformations import transform_pH_to_Q_identity

[docs] class CheckPHProperties: """ A class for checking properties of matrices related to port-Hamiltonian (pH) systems. """
[docs] def check_pH_properties(self, J, R, Q, E=None, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08): """ Check if the matrices J, R, and Q (with optional descriptor E) satisfy port-Hamiltonian system properties. This method verifies the following properties: - J is skew-symmetric. - R is symmetric positive definite. - transpose(E)@Q is symmetric positive definite Parameters ---------- J : array-like, shape (n, n) Skew-symmetric matrix related to the port-Hamiltonian system. R : array-like, shape (n, n) Symmetric positive definite matrix. Q : array-like, shape (n, n), optional Matrix to be checked for positive definiteness. E : array-like, shape (n, n), optional Descriptor matrix. If not provided, defaults to the identity matrix. rtol : float, optional Relative tolerance for numerical comparison (default is 1e-05). atol : float, optional Absolute tolerance for numerical comparison (default is 1e-08). Returns ------- bool True if all properties are satisfied, False otherwise. """ J_check = np.allclose(J, -J.T, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) R_check = self.check_spd(R) if E is None: E = np.eye(J.shape[0]) if Q is not None: Q_check = self.check_spd(E.T @ Q) else: Q_check = True return J_check and R_check and Q_check
[docs] def check_spd(self, A, rtol=1e-06, atol=1e-08): """ Check if a matrix is symmetric positive definite. This method verifies if the matrix `A` is symmetric and positive definite. It does so by attempting a Cholesky decomposition. If the decomposition fails due to the matrix not being positive definite, a small regularization term is added to the matrix to try and make it positive definite. Parameters ---------- A : array-like, shape (n, n) The matrix to be checked for symmetric positive definiteness. rtol : float, optional Relative tolerance for checking symmetry of the matrix (default is 1e-06). atol : float, optional Absolute tolerance for checking symmetry of the matrix (default is 1e-08). Returns ------- bool True if the matrix is symmetric positive definite, False otherwise. References ---------- Adapted from [MorandinNicodemusUnger22]. """ if np.allclose(A, A.T, rtol=rtol, atol=atol): try: np.linalg.cholesky(A) return True except np.linalg.LinAlgError: A += 1e-8 * np.eye(A.shape[0]) try: np.linalg.cholesky(A) return True except np.linalg.LinAlgError: return False else: return False
[docs] class PHSystem(LTISystem, CheckPHProperties): """ General linear, port-Hamiltonian (pH) system with constant system matrices. This class represents a linear port-Hamiltonian system, defined by the differential equation: x'(t) = (J - R) * x(t) + B * u(t), x(0) = x_init where: - `J` is a skew-symmetric matrix (J = -J.T). - `R` is a symmetric positive semi-definite matrix (R = R.T >= 0). """ def __init__(self, J_ph, R_ph, B=None, Q_ph=None): """ Initializes the port-Hamiltonian system with the given matrices. Parameters ---------- J_ph : array-like, shape (n, n) The port-Hamiltonian J matrix, which should be skew-symmetric. R_ph : array-like, shape (n, n) The port-Hamiltonian R matrix, which should be symmetric positive semi-definite. B : array-like, shape (n, n_u), optional The input matrix. Q_ph : array-like, shape (n, n), optional The Q matrix associated with the port-Hamiltonian system. If not provided, the identity matrix is used. """ self.J_ph = np.squeeze(J_ph) self.R_ph = np.squeeze(R_ph) if Q_ph is None: self.Q_ph = np.eye(*self.J_ph.shape) self.Q_is_identity = True else: self.Q_ph = np.squeeze(Q_ph) self.Q_is_identity = False assert self.J_ph.shape[0] == self.J_ph.shape[1] assert self.R_ph.shape[0] == self.R_ph.shape[1] assert self.J_ph.shape[0] == self.R_ph.shape[0] if self.J_ph.ndim == 3 or self.R_ph.ndim == 3 or self.Q_ph.ndim == 3: raise ValueError("Insert pH square matrix of size (r,r)") self.check_pH_properties(self.J_ph, self.R_ph, self.Q_ph) if B is not None: self.B_ph = B self.C_ph = self.B_ph.T @ self.Q_ph else: self.B_ph = B self.C_ph = None A = (self.J_ph - self.R_ph) @ self.Q_ph super(PHSystem, self).__init__(A, B)
[docs] def H(self, x): """ Calculate the Hamiltonian for a time series of states. Computes the Hamiltonian for a time series of states `x`, given by the quadratic form: H(x) = 0.5 * x.T @ Q_ph @ x Parameters ---------- x : array-like, shape (n_t, n) Time series of states where `n_t` is the number of time steps and `n` is the dimension of the state vector. Returns ------- ndarray, shape (n_t,) The Hamiltonian values corresponding to each time step. """ return 0.5 * self.quad(x, self.Q_ph, x)
[docs] def transform_pH_to_Q_identity(self, solver="Q", seed=1): """ Transform the current port-Hamiltonian (pH) system to a Q = I (identity matrix) form, if possible. This method attempts to transform the port-Hamiltonian system described by the matrices `J_ph`, `R_ph`, `Q_ph`, `B_ph`, and `C_ph` to a new system where `Q` is replaced by the identity matrix. If the transformation is successful, it returns a new `PHSystem` instance with the transformed matrices. If the transformation fails, it logs a message and returns the current instance. Parameters ---------- solver : {'scipy', 'pymor', 'Q'}, optional Method for solving the transformation: - 'scipy' or 'pymor': Use the Riccati equation solver. - 'Q': Use the provided Q matrix directly. seed : int, optional Random seed for generating a dummy input matrix when solving the Riccati equation. Returns ------- PHSystem or self If the transformation to Q = I is successful, returns a new `PHSystem` instance with the transformed matrices. Otherwise, returns the current instance. T : ndarray, shape (n, n) The transformation matrix, only returned if the transformation is successful. T_inv : ndarray, shape (n, n) The inverse of the transformation matrix, only returned if the transformation is successful. """ J_T, R_T, B_T_ph, C_T_ph, T, T_inv, input_used, Qeye_system_exists = ( transform_pH_to_Q_identity( self.J_ph, self.R_ph, self.Q_ph, self.B_ph, self.C_ph, solver=solver, seed=seed, ) ) if Qeye_system_exists: # change the pH system to Q identity form return PHSystem(J_T, R_T, B_T_ph), T, T_inv else: f"The Q identity form could not be found. PHSystem instance is not changed." ) return self
[docs] def get_system_matrix(self): return self.J_ph, self.R_ph, self.B_ph, self.Q_ph
[docs] class DescrPHSystem(DescrLTISystem, CheckPHProperties): """ Linear port-Hamiltonian (pH) system in descriptor form with constant system matrices. This class represents a linear port-Hamiltonian system described by the following differential equation: E * x'(t) = (J - R) * x(t) + B * u(t), with x(0) = x_init, where: - J is skew-symmetric: J = -J.T - R is symmetric positive semi-definite: R = R.T >= 0 - E is a descriptor matrix """ def __init__(self, J_ph, R_ph, E, B=None, Q_ph=None): """ Parameters ---------- J_ph : ndarray, shape (n, n) Port-Hamiltonian J matrix. Must be skew-symmetric. R_ph : ndarray, shape (n, n) Port-Hamiltonian R matrix. Must be symmetric positive semi-definite. E : ndarray, shape (n, n) Descriptor matrix. B : ndarray, shape (n, n_u), optional Input matrix. Defaults to None if not provided. Q_ph : ndarray, shape (n, n), optional Port-Hamiltonian Q matrix. Defaults to the identity matrix if not provided. """ self.J_ph = J_ph self.R_ph = R_ph self.E = E if Q_ph is None: self.Q_ph = np.eye(*self.J_ph.shape) else: self.Q_ph = Q_ph assert self.J_ph.shape[0] == self.J_ph.shape[1] assert self.R_ph.shape[0] == self.R_ph.shape[1] assert self.J_ph.shape[0] == self.R_ph.shape[0] assert self.check_pH_properties(self.J_ph, self.R_ph, self.Q_ph, self.E) A = (self.J_ph - self.R_ph) @ self.Q_ph super(DescrPHSystem, self).__init__(A=A, B=B, E=E)
[docs] def solve(self, t, z_init, u=None, integrator_type="IMR", decomp_option="lu"): """ Solve the descriptor port-Hamiltonian system using the specified integration method. Computes the solution to the differential equation system E * x'(t) = (J - R) * x(t) + B * u(t) over the given time steps with the provided initial conditions and inputs. Parameters ---------- t : ndarray, shape (n_t,) Array of time steps for the solution. z_init : ndarray, shape (n,) or (n, n_s) Initial conditions for the system state. u : ndarray, shape (n_t, n_u) or (n_t, n_u, n_s), optional Input signal to the system. If not provided, assumes zero input. integrator_type : str, optional Integration method to use. Default is "IMR" (Implicit Midpoint Rule). decomp_option : str, optional Decomposition method for the integrator. Default is "lu". Other options may be available depending on the integrator. Returns ------- x : ndarray, shape (n_t, n, n_s) Solution of the ODE system at each time step. """ return super(DescrPHSystem, self).solve( t, z_init, u=u, integrator_type="IMR", decomp_option="lu" )
[docs] def H(self, x): """ Calculate the Hamiltonian for a time series of states. Computes the Hamiltonian function H(x) = 0.5 * x.T @ (E.T @ Q_ph) @ x for each time step in the time series x. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray, shape (n_t, n) Time series of states where n_t is the number of time steps and n is the dimension of the state vector. Returns ------- ndarray, shape (n_t,) The Hamiltonian values computed for each time step in the time series x. """ return 0.5 * self.quad(x, self.E.T @ self.Q_ph, x)